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Goddard Space Flight Center
MOLA Cruise Activities
  • Post-Lauch Performance Test, November 25, 1996, Success!

    The purpose was to test the performance of MOLA after the stresses associated with launch.

    The blue curve shows temperature measured at the electronics box, the red curve shows laser temperature. Temperatures vary while the instrument is off due to solar radiation and heater cycles. Within one hour after turn-on, the instrument stabilized to near-optimal temperatures. Commanding was successful, and output energy exceeded 45 mJ/pulse.

  • Near-Earth Pointing Experiment, December 19, 1996, Success!

    The MGS nadir panel was pointed towards Earth and programmed to scan at low speed over a region about 6 mrad square from a distance of ~10,000,000 km. The laser fired at 10 Hz during the nearly two-hour test, with nominal output performance. A telescope at GSFC was unable to acquire the laser pulses due to rainy conditions. Analysis of the MOLA detector output showed that a spike of increased background counts occured at 8:08:06Z, consistent with solar backscatter from Earth. MOLA responded by increasing threshold levels in a programmed, adaptive fashion. The experiment confirmed the health of the detector and software system. Information obtained from the scan was used to help quantify MGS spacecraft pointing knowledge.

    A secondary objective of this experiment was to demonstrate the potential for laser ranging, time transfer and optical communications over interplanetary distances. This objective was not fulfilled because of clouds at the ground station. The next possible opportunity for an Earth pointing test of MOLA will occur after the commencement of mapping.

  • Instrument Aliveness Test, July 31, 1997, Success!

    The MOLA instrument was turned on for about an hour to check its vital signs in anticipation of the arrival at Mars. Click here for an inside look at the event and test results.

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