The Global Topography of Mars from MOLAFigures from the Science* Paper*Smith, D.E., M.T. Zuber, S.C. Solomon, R.J. Phillips, J.W. Head, J.B. Garvin, W.B. Banerdt, D.O. Muhleman, G.H. Pettengill, G.A. Neumann, F.G. Lemoine, J.B. Abshire, O. Aharonson, C.D. Brown, S.A. Hauck, A.B. Ivanov, P.J. McGovern, H.J. Zwally, T.C. Duxbury, The global topography of Mars and implications for surface evolution, Science, 284, 1495-1503, 1999. Download a PDF version of the paper.
Cover image. The topography of Mars revealed by Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter measurements taken through 15 April 1999 from Mars Global Surveyor. Shading was obtained by "illuminating" the topography from the northeast. The upper image shows the Hellas impact basin (dark blue, ~2300 km across), and the lower image shows Tharsis volcanic province and Valles Marineris. [Graphics: G. A. Neumann, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center].
Figure 1. Global profile of Mars from MOLA crossing longitudes 52° E and 247° E. The north and south polar caps are at the top and bottom. The Pavonis Mons and Alba Patera volcanic shields, both located within the Tharsis province, appear at the upper left, and the Hellas impact basin is at the lower right. The contrast in elevation and regional topographic roughness between the northern and southern hemispheres is also apparent. The dichotomy boundary scarp can be seen at ~50° east of north. Distributed points above the surface correspond to false returns caused by solar background at the laser wavelength and represent <0.5% of the transmitted pulses. Clustered returns above the surface near the south pole are from clouds. The vertical exaggeration is 100:1. (Credit: MOLA Science Team)
Figure 2. Maps of Mars' global topography. The projections are Mercator to 70° latitude and stereographic at the poles with the south pole at left and north pole at right. Note the elevation difference between the northern and southern hemispheres. The Tharsis volcano-tectonic province is centered near the equator in the longitude range 220° E to 300° E and contains the vast east-west trending Valles Marineris canyon system and several major volcanic shields including Olympus Mons (18° N, 225° E), Alba Patera (42° N, 252° E), Ascraeus Mons (12° N, 248° E), Pavonis Mons (0°, 247° E), and Arsia Mons (9° S, 239° E). Regions and structures discussed in the text include Solis Planum (25° S, 270° E), Lunae Planum (10° N, 290° E), and Claritas Fossae (30° S, 255° E). Major impact basins include Hellas (45° S, 70° E), Argyre (50° S, 320° E), Isidis (12° N, 88° E), and Utopia (45° N, 110° E). This analysis uses an areocentric coordinate convention with east longitude positive. Note that the color scale saturates above 8 km. (Credit: MOLA Science Team)
Figure 3. Interquartile scale (IQS) surface roughness (18) of Mars calculated from MOLA profiles on a 330-m baseline in a 100-km running window. The projections are the same as in Fig. 2. (Credit: MOLA Science Team)
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