Mapping and Extended Mission Results
- CO2 snow and water ice content in Mars' northern hemisphere
- Recent Polar Radiometry Measurements
- Radiometry of Syrtis Major
- More MOLA roughness maps
Seasonal Variations of Snow Depth on Mars appearing in the December 7, 2001 issue of Science.
- High-resolution shaded relief quadrangle maps
- Initial Results from MOLA Passive Radiometry
- MOLA observations of the recent Martian dust storm
- Shaded Relief image of the Argyre basin, as featured in the Mars Insight issue of Nature
- Improving spatial resolution of topography
- Regional closeups of Martian topography
- The enigmatic northern plains of Mars, as published in the April 5, 2001 issue of Nature
- Ancient Geodynamics and Global-scale Hydrology on Mars , as published in the March 30, 2001 issue of Science
- Dry ice clouds and snow
- National Geographic map of Mars using MGS MOLA and MOC data
- A high-resolution global shade map
- Tharsis/Chryse image, as published in the February 2001 issue of Sky and Telescope
- PRODUCED BY POPULAR DEMAND! MOLA map with major surface features labeled
- Publication-quality global and polar shaded relief images
- Global Slope and Roughness Maps
- Major Martian Volcanoes
- MOLA Views of Valles Marineris
- Regional maps of Mars from the first year's worth of MOLA global mapping data
- Internal Structure of Mars and Evidence for Buried Channels, as published in the March 10, 2000 issue of Science
- Excellent(!) Visualizations of Mars' internal structure and topography from the NASA/Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio
- Topographic power spectrum of Mars from MOLA
- High-Resolution Map of the Mars '98 Polar landing site (January, 2000)
- Evidence for possible ancient oceans on Mars from MOLA
- The latest high-resolution global maps from MOLA -- May 28, 1999 Science cover reprise
- MOLA Views of the Mars '98 Polar landing site (December, 1999)
- Table of Mars geodetic parameters from MOLA
- Regional map of the Tharsis and Chryse regions, as featured in the October, 1999 issue of Physics Today
- Quarter-degree global topographic map of Mars
- The first high-accuracy digital elevation model of the Mars Polar Landing site from MOLA (July 1999)
- The first high accuracy global map of Mars from MOLA
- NASA Press Release of MOLA Global Map and more global topographic images
- Profiles across the north and south polar caps
- First profiles of the southern hemisphere, presented at the 30th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference