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Goddard Space Flight Center
MOLA Polar Radiometry Observations

Here are some MOLA polar radiometry observations taken with the instrument in "radiometry mode" as opposed to "altimetry mode".

Seasonal changes in the 1064-nm reflectivity of the south polar region from 54° S to the south pole from MOLA. (Credit: MOLA Science Team)

Seasonal changes in the 1064-nm reflectivity of the south polar region from 54° S to the south pole from MOLA. (Credit: MOLA Science Team)

MOLA radiometry along a profile over polar layered terrain sampled at 8-Hz showing decreased reflectivity in a chasm.  A MOLA topographic profile is shown for comparison.

MOLA radiometry along a profile over polar layered terrain sampled at 8-Hz showing decreased reflectivity in a chasm. A MOLA topographic profile is shown for comparison. (Credit: MOLA Science Team)

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